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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Setting Internet on PC

In addition to functioning as a communication tool, handphone/mobile can also function as a modem in PC. Of course, depending on the type, because not all mobile can mediate enabled modem. How? The following steps can be used as a reference in getting HP as a modem that can connect to the Internet.

1. Use the data cable in accordance with the type of HP

2. Install Driver data cable modem drivers and HP. Usually, after the data cable in the driver installed, the PC will detect the internal modem in the mobile and of course pc will ask the modem driver. Driver can be obtained in the CD driver data cable.

3. Modem settings in the pc. Click Start -> control panel -> phone and a modem, select the modem in accordance with the type of HP, and then click Properties. On the Advanced tab, content with the following code:

AT CGDCONT = 1, "IP", "APN (in accordance with the operator HP)"

4. Create a new connection in the Dial Up Networking in the control panel. Fill the username and password in accordance with HP's operator, content with the dial number * 99 *** 1 #.

5. Connect new account created. Click Start -> connect to -> select the newly created account and click DIAL. Wait until the Internet connection icon (in the form of 2 monitors in the bottom right corner of the desktop).

6. Open Internet Browser (Internet Eplorer, Mozilla, Opera, etc.).

7. Good Luck


  1. Apakah ada pengaruhnya HP yang terbiasa dijadikan modem untuk connect internet terhadap kinerja HP itu sendiri nantinya?? maksudnya...apa HPnya gak cepet rusak?? Txs.

  2. Berdasrkan pengalaman saya selama ini tidak Mas. Saya pake SE K600i pernah, K510i pernah, pake LG KG200 jg pernah dan mesti lebih dari 1 jam (bahkan kadang2 sampai 8jam, pagi sampai sore) dan hampir tiap hari. Jadi, gak usah khawatir Mas. Tentunya pihak pabrikan memberi fasilitas itu sudah ada pertimbangan2 dan uji coba. Ni sy lagi pake SE K510i dengan kabel data.

  3. oke, terima kasih...trus saya dah coba website sms gratise..koq blm bisa ya..harus register ke route itu ya...:-)

  4. Ya, harus register dulu. Buat nyoba, pake account sy
    username : ahmad
    password : aripin

    Ntar tak kasih account yang banyak, biar enjoy sms nya, gak usah register terus. Dijamin TERKIRIM ke all operator (ProXL, Indosat, Telkomsel, dll). Jgn lupa nomornya pake format internasional +628...... Selamat mencoba!
